Archive for May, 2011

Mobile POS System using Sled and iPod with Barcode Scanner / Card Reader

The PayMaster system uses the same handheld device that is used in Apple stores along with their EasyPay application. Our PayMaster application connects the handheld barcode scanner / credit card reader with your existing POS systems. PayMaster™ Software & Handheld Mobile POS is leading all retailers into the Retail Revolution™ Guests shop freely anywhere in […]


POS – Purexed

Never Better


“POS is Ruining My Life” (acoustic)

Stefon Alexander (aka POS) is one of the tallest trees in the forest of Twin Cities hip-hop. His punk-influenced music confronts listeners with raw production and intense lyrics. As a solo artist and founding member of the Doomtree collective, Stef continues to push the boundaries of traditional hip-hop. His last album ‘Audition’ was released in […]


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