Integration of Openbravo POS and Openbravo ERP – Sales Order

Integration of Openbravo POS and Openbravo, for Sales Order transaction. The sales order registered at Openbravo POS, dan synchronization process make the sales order record available at Openbravo ERP for further process. This integration using ETL process only, no web service involved. Then, this solution is available for Openbravo ERP community edition. The benefit of our solution are: – need not professional license – free constraint in using UoM (using commercial module force you to use “unit” as product UoM) – application wide integration, including stock opname (aka physical inventory), goods movement, closed cash, etc. The disadvantage of our solution is: – no webservice yet, lead to access DB directly from ETL process, need extra configuration for security reason.
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One Response to “Integration of Openbravo POS and Openbravo ERP – Sales Order”

  1. Luis Santiago says:

    Hola por favor, tu podrias orientarme, como hago para borrar todos los datos que meti en el sistema, pues ahora no me funciona ni la imlpresora, ni la caja y me desaparecen datod en la lista de articulos y en las Ventas, creo que tengo un caos, sabes si existen un video que me pueda orientar, te agradesco cualquier informacion. Gracias

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