Medical Device Sales: Recruiter Goes through Resumes Peggy McKee (Senior Recruiter at PHC consulting) describes what it’s like from her point of view recruiting for medical sales positions.
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7 Responses to “Medical Device Sales: Recruiter Goes through Resumes”

  1. HorseSafety says:

    Well done…good communicator…NO mention of challenges of Age which is important…eg put date of College Grad…put dates of job U had in 1990?

  2. LadyOrion2012 says:

    Problem with objectives nowadays is that about 50% HR & recruiters like them and 50% of HR & recruiters find that an objective is redundant and “outdated”. Instead–many are now recommending that you place a “profile” where the objective should have been unless it’s a career change that you are seeking. Another problem with objectives is more often than not they pigeon hole someone into a specific job.

  3. snoop89654 says:

    If you come across a resume, and he or she does not the right objective, but at the same time has a good job history along with great statistics, you should take the time to talk to them and learn about them. If they are a good fit, coach them on how the resume should be written so that the client would notice that their resume is marketable.

  4. snoop89654 says:

    Maybe I am just biased since I am a Technical Recruiter, but resumes without objectives does not necessarily mean that he/she is selling themselves short. We all know that the #1 objective is to get a job. We all know that us Recruiters work for our clients, and our job is to find them top tier candidates. It does not matter if you are Glen Gary Glen Ross or Gordan Gekko, if you apply online, I will ignore you. Most of the top talent are passively looking.

  5. chris54able says:

    This is very helpful. If I am a very good salesman, and have good numbers to back up, is that enough to just jump industries into the medical sales field? Any help would be appreciated. thanks.

  6. IRspectra says:

    You are very knowledgeable. Thanks!

  7. TheRabalicious says:

    As a sales manager this video makes me want to bypass using a recruiter. You can’t honestly tell me that you would pass on motivated and potentially successful sales reps just because YOU don’t like the format of their resume. I guess it’s a good thing I’m in a different industry. I can’t tell if this is supposed to be helpful or if it’s a plug for a resume writing service.

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