Quinzos POS System

Current auction of POS system from Quiznos restaurant.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

5 Responses to “Quinzos POS System”

  1. hjungu says:

    how much you can sell this pos?

  2. KioskHacking says:

    Do those run Windows CE or Linux?

  3. PaymentMax says:

    that’s cool.

  4. 114164 says:

    This POS is pretty good but i like youch screens and counterpoint better.

  5. GadgetHammer says:

    Actually that buzzing sound means that it is out of change in one of the slots, Or the Change holder is not all the way, or taken out. I thought I would just say, Our Change dispenser does not make a buzzing sound when we remove it.

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