Archive for the ‘Point Of Sale Equipment’ Category

1968 Oliver 1750 Row Crop Tractor

This item listed to sell on BIG IRON unreserved auction dated 8-24-2011. ID#7194. Additional photos and description of item may be found in the listing on Video Rating: 5 / 5


** WIOG Goes on a Ghost Hunt with the makers of A Haunting on Hamilton Street 2 **

The makers of *A HAUNTING ON HAMILTON STREET 2* take WIOG on a ghost hunt at the Stable in Saginaw, MI! The Stable, formally the Benjamin funeral home, is the subject of Prozak’s latest paranormal investigation documentary. A Haunting On Hamilton Street 2 Starring Brian Harnois (Ghost Hunters/Ghost Hunters International), Father Andrew Calder (Paranormal State), […]


Quiring Towing- Volvo EC380D Excavator Stuck pt.1

An unfortunate event where an excavator slid into a settling pond when the berm failed under it.The machine was completely on its side submerged.The engine stopped when it ingested water and is dead.The machine only has about 300 hours on it .this was filmed on the second day of recovery,The power from the D9 cat […]


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