Archive for the ‘Point Of Sale Equipment’ Category

Leica Laser Trackers: An Introduction

The Leica Geossytems Laser Tracker Systems with T-Probes from Exact Metrology offer the most precise, portable, large scale single point capture units for part and equipment verification or layout. These reliable portable coordinate measuring machines are able to maintain very high levels of accuracy within a single setup measurement area of up to 160 meters. […]


FloWell – Storm Water Leaching System

With the Flo-Well, water can now be discharged into the subsoil rapidly and easily. Unlike competitive systems, there is not need for piping systems to transport stormwater to a far-off discharge point, large heavy equipment, considerable excavation of current landscaped areas, nor large labor costs that those systems incur. Video Rating: 4 / 5


Testing And Complete Failure of a 10000 lb. Two Post Lift

Greg Smith Equipment has warned customers for many years that certain competitors lifts are over rated. Watch this video to better understand what happens to a poorly made and over rated two post above ground lift. The complete testing (and ultimate failure) of this hydraulic lift is captured on film.


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