Archive for the ‘Point Of Sale Equipment’ Category

How to Choose Fencing Equipment : Choosing a Weapon for Sword Fencing

Pick a sword-type and sword to start fencing; learn what to look for in fencing equipment in this free video on fencing gear. Expert: Amy Boyle Contact: Bio: Amy has been a fencer and swordswoman for eleven years. She fenced for the University of Southern California and the University of Northern Colorado and has […]


Vacuum Box Testing Equipment An efficient method for leak testing welds is using a vacuum box to pull negative pressure on one side while then looking for bubbles through a soap solution. The test is performed by one person. The vacuum box is a clear Plexiglas plate with soft gasketing around the edges. The vacuum is pulled by […]


iPhone Credit Card Terminal by iPhoneSwiper

An iPhone cradle that turns into a credit card terminal with a card swiper, an integrated thermal receipt printer, a mini POS system that links into a web-based gateway and sync real-time. Video Rating: 5 / 5


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