Archive for the ‘Pos Software’ Category

Kitchen KDS for the iPad POS System

Revel iPad KDS shows how you can have 3 Kitchen Views with one expedite view on the Revel Systems KDS system. If you have any questions on this superior KDS system please let us know. Video Rating: 5 / 5


Lavu Mods

POS Lavu iPad Point of Sale system for restaurants uses Modifiers to add detail to your menu items. For example, when a dinner item has sides, soup or salad as required choices, use Forced Modifiers to add those options. When an option itself has further choices (such as a salad might have dressing choices) add […]


Kitchen Nightmares + POSLavu

POSLavu was a welcome surprise to the management and staff of a failing restaurant on this episode of Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. Watch as the wearisome servers light up with joy as they are handed their very own mobile ordering devices. Ramsay himself calls POSLavu “the most amazing, state of the art point of sale […]


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