AK full auto conversion – DIAS/LL

DESCRIPTION: Last Friday there has been a topic at AR15.com regarding an AK DIAS (drop in auto sear). After reading the initial topic my conclusion was that there is no such thing (the matter registered or not is beyond this consideration). A search at the web resulted in the usual rumors… All the full auto conversions I’ve seen require drilling, welding, cutting parts of the guide rails etc. – what is of course not the meaning of “drop in”. Since in principle every semi auto selfloader can be modified to shoot full auto I decided to build my own device. In the meantime some people told me they would consider it being a Lightning Link (LL) as it is known for AR15-rifles. Since I was just dealing with the trigger assembly due to my AKM rate reducer video all the necessary stuff was at hand. img155.imageshack.us img405.imageshack.us img405.imageshack.us Don’t know if this is new, maybe somebody did this before – I simply wanted to see how it can be done and if it works as intended. The task was to use the original parts to catch the hammer avoiding safety issues due to possibly improperly homemade parts. Should work no matter if full or semi auto bolt carrier. Should be possible to make with a minimum of technical equipment and as always as few and simple parts as possible. In the following the trigger is pulled unless stated otherwise. DIAS/LL rides on the trigger pin. If the hammer has passed the front hook the left ear (of the hammer) pushes against the lever arm of
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “AK full auto conversion – DIAS/LL”

  1. eatshhitful says:

    Everything is legal…until you get caught..

  2. NotRite225 says:

    that ak is fine

  3. CognitiveNetwork says:

    Fuck the law. Semi-Automatic rifles are cock blockers.

  4. CognitiveNetwork says:

    We won’t tell.

  5. bkpickell says:

    I would love to see a picture of the other side of the rifle. I’m trying to figure out how that screw attaches.

  6. chillichomper says:

    Unfortunately, some dope will say you don’t have the right to own an atom bomb and equate that to an automatic weapon. At least that’s the argument I’ve heard from libs

  7. PeteDaAggieGuy316 says:

    Do you have the measurements to the LL for SHTF?

  8. troubleshooterBerlin says:

    Please check the DESCRIPTION to this video.

  9. firefox8192 says:

    @troubleshooterberlin Can you show us the new part you installed in the reviever and how u made it

  10. m4gunner25 says:

    Panda arms WOULD be pretty sweet.. but have you seen the grizzly when he mauls that bitch sitting next to her in the chair?! even the Kung Fu master couldnt get it off her! ..fuckin bear arms would kick ass!…

  11. bronzah says:

    Panda arms would be perfect. Ever see that youtube video of a panda tearing into that Chinese guy?

  12. m4gunner25 says:

    I think there should be a second, second amendment. the right to BEAR arms! having bear arms would be awesome! think of all the shit you could destroy with bear arms. I personally would choose grizzly bear arms. that would be bad ass! not a great idea for pounding off though..

  13. m4gunner25 says:

    youre right, they ARE legal. Thats why its called a TAX when you apply.

  14. DSOXBLADE says:

    Shut up. I’ll do what I want Вы – глупое, трахаются.

  15. 89andyman says:

    Don’t even think about it, if i know what i think i know you’re looking at prison time, so don’t do it.

  16. bennekeb666 says:

    Is it impossible too eat a bullet that shoots outta there??.Try it.Let’s say…Just for fun ;-}

  17. mikethemaniac1 says:

    Fully automiatic weapons are necessary,whoever said we don’t need them was right,but then again,by that logic,charles rangel doesn’t NEED to be an asshole keeping us from having fully augomatic weapons,and also,america is about having shit you want rather than only what you need,can you imagine how much only having what you need would suck?

  18. fynetuneyrgf says:

    @bronzah being able to only have. 22 rifle would infringe on our ability to protect ourselves and state from a threat which would be greater then our 22 rifles would be able to handle if it were to happen. the amendment is there to give us equal force if needed to over through of gov if we have to. so law as such would infringe this right, right?

  19. 1moaper2 says:

    The whole point is that you have to draw a line somewhere. If not, then people could privately own tanks, chemical weapons, and even a nuclear weapon if they had the money and resources. Now, obviously these are worse than an automatic weapon, but the goal of the government is harm reduction. I can’t see any societal benefit in allowing the proliferation of unlicensed, unregulated, and unsafe automatic weapons among any schmo who decides he wants one.

  20. airsoftdude1990 says:

    Well in the US legally only the lower receiver is the firearm so if you possess that and its been modified with a full auto trigger group you can assume that they can charge you with violation of the national firearms act.

  21. laztek1 says:

    where the hell was you when they started making all these laws? go get’m bro!

  22. bkpickell says:

    Yes you are right the 2nd amendment says “Right to bare arms”. But that is not the only thing it says. It also says, “To ensure the security of a free state” You can’t do that with a .22. Nor can you reliably do that with just a semi-auto rifle when the foe you will be fighting against has machine guns. The playing field needs to be level. If we are going to be protecting ourselves agains tyranny we need to be armed. And we need to be a “Well Armed Militia”.

  23. bronzah says:

    I’m all for the second amendment and don’t want the government to take away my firearms but i don’t interpret the 2nd amendment to give regular citizens the right to fully automatic firearms. “Right to bare arms” doesn’t actually say fully automatic and technically forcing the public only .22 firearms could be a possibility (doesn’t say variety of arms), be happy with what we have right now, as it could change because of this theater shooting. I hope the laws dont get any more strict.

  24. SpraxIAKS says:

    What the fuck does Obama have to do with this? Oh he’s a democrat, yay, lets bring him in to sound like full red blooded patriot and then vote our guy in who..is just as corrupt as anybody else.

    Maybe I’m looking too far into this but that I’ll I’m getting thus far.

  25. gasgunsgirls says:

    can you take more pics? maybe on a grid atleast so we can see the size? thanx

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