Artisan POS Software Fireworks Testimonial Sky King

Nick describes his experiences with Artisan POS in his large permanent fireworks store. Sky King is a multi-store operation and Nick is the manager of the Port St. Lucie store.
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BetXTech – Over the Counter Bet Capture, Sportsbook, Sportsbetting EPOS Solution

XC-EPOS™ is a user-friendly product that enables operators to take bets from their customers which are automatically placed on the Betfair exchange betting platform. Organizations can fully utilize market liquidity provided by Betfair’s market leading betting exchange. XC-EPOS™ allows operators to offer competitive odds which are automatically converted from Betfair odds with a built-in, adjustable profit margin essentially enabling no-risk betting profit. The solution provides betting shop, casino, and sports cafe operators the opportunity to manage a Sport and Event betting offering without the financial risks associated with traditional Sportsbooks. XC-EPOS is a risk-free, till-based cashier betting application which allows bricks-and-mortar operations to offer their customers all of the betting markets the exchange has to offer, and guarantees a profit on every bet placed through the configurable price margin-management system. The all-in-one product provides control of visual representation of markets for your shop audience, simple and efficient touch-screen terminal bet acceptance, thermal betting slip printing, and barcode scanning reconciliation capabilities. XC-EPOS is robust, customizable and scalable — the perfect solution to any shop’s needs. Features °Out-of-box functionality — no need for superfluous hardware or complicated configuration and installation °Automatically import all or any subset of markets available on the exchange, and customize your shop
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