iPad pos restaurant, iPhone bar, iPod cafe. iPhone customer
Demo iPad Pos restaurant| Ipad point of sales solutions for restaurants and bars. iPos is a web-based application running on mobile touch devices like iPad, iPod, iPhone, HTC and Samsung Touch. iPos is available in Dutch, English and Spanish. Have the demo installed on your iPad | iPod for free | www.mobielkassasysteem.nl/mob/app/demo
POS Lavu – Airport Configuration

Apple Airport configurations explained in Lavu terms. www.poslavu.com POSLavu Point of Sale software solution for restaurants and retail stores using iPad and iPhone technologies.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Sharp XE-A213 Cash Register Video presentation
Available from www.cashregistergroup.com the Sharp XE-A213 is an entry level cash register ideally aimed at public houses, bars, restaurants and fast food shops. This short video explains some of the features to help serve customers and to manage your financial information.