4 paintings (beginner- advanced) * fund raiser*

All Proceedings will buy new equipment for the production of the “SPRAYCASSO: the art of spraypaint” soon to be on PBS Did you ever wanted to buy an original work of art from your favorite PBS artist but wasnt able to get a hold of any of them??? this is your chance!! We need to get updated studio equipment and Artist : Arturo Spraycasso Has a greed to help by selling some of his paintings – straight from his personal art portfolio. Prices will vary depending on style and technique – but non the less they will be affordable to every one Message From the Artist; Hey Crew, I want to thank all of you in advanced for helping us get the necessary equipment, to speed the process of airing the Spraycasso show on PBS. Spraycasso has been dedicated to all the people who at one point of their life wanted to be an artist and thought they couldnt. When i was younger i was told Art wasn’t a real job and yet Im lucky enough that every day i get letters from fans, telling that because of the spraycasso show they are now painting for a living or for extra income! i hope these paintings Im putting up for sale serve as a reminder to all of us that with a little effort, persistence and imagination dreams can come true! we’ve come a long way together… i hope you continue to watch and enjoy the show. sincerely, A.Spraycasso Here is the link… search.ebay.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “4 paintings (beginner- advanced) * fund raiser*”

  1. gamemeister27 says:

    Very true about abstract art. Most people see a Picasso and think “My kid could do that!”

    However, Picasso was actually very well versed and trained in traditional art before moving onto his abstract art. The method and skill behind the odd images make it great.

  2. beatthattrick says:

    what song is that in the begging

  3. 914peru says:

    you are beutifull man great work

  4. Cajunninja65 says:

    million bucks says you are going to die from some kind of cancer…

  5. BlablaJournaal says:

    Real, nice spray paintings. Your name is fun by the way.

  6. ShaqFuDaReturn says:

    I would ask what paper is used for this technique?

  7. SPACEcadet1108 says:

    Sweet paintings

  8. XxcandycatxX says:


    This is cool. 😀

  9. MrAustinG says:

    oh my gosh 18:21 both of these paintings are amaing

  10. funnyrandomtim says:

    hahha my birthday is february 25 so close

  11. nate18871 says:

    hey where can i buy your spraycasso spray paint

  12. yougotfudge says:


  13. crypticfetus1 says:

    more like orgasmico! you kick ass man!

  14. chucklzslowV6 says:

    i seen the face but i seen sting in it hahah

  15. N8wood1 says:

    i am an artist. so if you like art you should check out my video of my work.

  16. butkicker177 says:

    i saw the face

  17. jellyjamjar says:

    Respect for the final product but his methods are lakluster, i was not impressed, he did more “Brush Painting” then spraying.

  18. emopopsicles says:

    whats the grass technique

  19. LeStudenti says:


  20. tripz86 says:

    you are rally the best

  21. remarkquest says:


  22. jonez110 says:

    yes i do, seems like frankensteins face!

  23. dulsecielo says:

    Great work ! by the way what kind of paper do you use ? and spray?
    please keep the videos coming!

  24. big78boy1 says:

    wow great stuff…@ 9:22 does anyone else see a face in his mixing paper?

  25. rulerz100 says:

    head off to u man..u demo is superbb….u have anamazng talent..andthnx for sharng with us

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