Billing: Credit Card Terminal iPhone App Review

Billing: Credit Card Terminal allows you to easily process payments on your iphone or ipod touch on the go. Features include onscreen signature capture, tips, receipts, easy to use interface, refunds and much more. Available in the apple app store.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

21 Responses to “Billing: Credit Card Terminal iPhone App Review”

  1. spartadata says:


    You can look up your API unsername and transaction key within your Authorize net account. Log into your Authorize net – go to settings and look for the API username and transaction key there. These are alpha numerical and must be copied exactly as shown into the billing app gateway configuration. If you need to signup for a merchant account and do not have an authorize . net account you can do so by going to our signup on our site.

  2. ProfearMarc21 says:

    What is an API log in account how do i get mine?

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  4. spartadata says:

    Hi and thanks for the comment – Invoice based billing is not yet supported within billing app nonetheless we are working to add this feature in a future release…

    Currently the billing app can do Authorization and Perform Credit and Refund transactions on demand… Complete with email receipts and signature capture…

  5. desigujjunoone says:

    nice video…very helpful…but i need some help from you if u can….do u have any apps which work as billing machine…like pepsi and beer distributor…like making bill on phone and printed out…

  6. spartadata says:

    Yes, when configured with your gateway account all your transactions are deposited to your back account. The app is free, we can also setup your merchant and gateway account too.

  7. negima50001 says:

    so were does the money go does it go to your bank account when its prossesd or what?

  8. onemobilemedia says:

    This is exactly how mobile applications can be used for a large variety of purposes. Being in the business of providing mCommerce solutions, we can say that such videos are going to create a general awareness about the utility of mobile applications.

  9. angelkissed320093 says:

    I am glad I discovered this app through this video review! My customers absolutely love signing on my iphone when completing a sale!

    I am looking forward to the next update 🙂

  10. 2ris2 says:

    lol retarded signature!!

  11. spartadata says:

    New Version 1.3 has just been released as a free Update too all current users of BILLING. This new feature update includes Visual Flags for DEMO mode, New Support for AUTH / Authorization transaction types accompanied by its own AUTH visual flag for this transaction type. Additionally CC input requirements have been reduced to just require input for CC# and Expiration date. This version supports the newly released iOS4 and the new iPhone 4 as well. It is also back compatible with all devices. 🙂

  12. spartadata says:

    Our app facilitates compliance with the PCI DSS secured and certified payment gateway. All transactions are encrypted and sent through SSL secured connection. No card holder data is stored. As for the signature this is optional and kept as part of each transaction for data archival or email on demand.

  13. spartadata says:

    Our app facilitates compliance with the PCI DSS secured and certified payment gateway. All transactions are encrypted and sent through SSL secured connection. No card holder data is stored. As for the signature this is optional and kept as part of each transaction for data archival or email on demand.

  14. neosld says:

    is the transaction sent in the Clear to the bank? or is it encrypted?
    where is the signature being captured at?

  15. catherinetodd says:

    Thank you for the info… will be sure to check it out.

  16. spartadata says:

    There was a 1.1 release and an upcoming release currently in beta testing as we speak. You can check out screens from the upcoming release on our face book fan page.

    We are focused on making BILLING the best app and it certainly is a premium app – we have tons of new features in the works additionally it was the one that introduced signature capture, email receipt and tips… These features were soon copied by others.

  17. spartadata says:

    There was a 1.1 release and an upcoming release currently in beta testing as we speak. You can check out screens from the upcoming release on our facebook fan page.

    We are focused on making BILLING the best app and it certainly is a premium app – we have tons of new features in the works additionally it was the one that introduced signature capture, email receipt and tips… These features were soon copied by others.

  18. spartadata says:

    Indeed it works natively on all iPhones, iPod Touch and the new iPad

  19. catherinetodd says:

    Has anything changed since this video was uploaded in Sept. 2009? Is tthis one of the best app’s to use for taking credit cards?

  20. spartadata says:

    Yes, this app works on all versions of the iPhone, iPod Touch and the new upcoming iPad.

  21. TempaRecords says:

    can u get this on a ipod touch ?

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