How to Choose Fencing Equipment : Choosing a Weapon for Sword Fencing

Pick a sword-type and sword to start fencing; learn what to look for in fencing equipment in this free video on fencing gear. Expert: Amy Boyle Contact: Bio: Amy has been a fencer and swordswoman for eleven years. She fenced for the University of Southern California and the University of Northern Colorado and has taught fencers of all ages. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

12 Responses to “How to Choose Fencing Equipment : Choosing a Weapon for Sword Fencing”

  1. HipposHateWater says:

    French grips are still popular in Modern Fencing because of the wide variety of gripping methods available that you simply cannot get out of ortho grips. It also makes a good learner’s grip. (I don’t know exactly why, but I’ll side with the majority’s view on this one.)
    Although I will agree that they are a little too easy to fumble out of one’s grip with a simple beat.
    For that reason, I prefer the Italian grip. (Advantages of the ortho grip combined with most of the handlingofFrench)

  2. NexusBeatbox says:

    what size blade is that pistol grip foil?

  3. joemann1313 says:

    Whats the Average cost In £pounds

  4. CameraMan4000 says:

    do they make chines blades

  5. michwng says:

    It’s called a blade. Almost all fencers switch to the pistol grip. French grips are not very effective in modern fencing. There are many types of pistol grips such as Visconti or German. I would suggest you buy all your equipment from Absolute fencing, or used. A cheap long lasting durable FIE blade that’s well respected is the Viniti. There are three stiffnesses to them.

  6. michwng says:

    that would be the long sword or Kendo. Fencing is extreme, but most people only fence on the novice level.

  7. thomaskwok430 says:

    quite good
    But I prefer sabre^^!

  8. 1andonlyJosh says:

    how can you find places where they sell fencing stuff?

  9. xilix1000 says:

    is there a more extreme fencing, such as strong attacks that you can use with 2 hands, and maby larger blades. if not, anyone wanna help me create a style?
    pm me.

  10. KemetOnlera says:

    I recommend the site Absolute Fencing. Start with foil because foil will help you learn the most point control. It was made as a practice or training weapon before. Its also lighter so you can get used to maneuvering your blade. Target area is smaller. But the skills are invaluable

  11. KemetOnlera says:

    Can you give some more information on the blades and such. You didn’t go over the differences in tips. are there any other differences? and would you please give some meaning to the different lingo used. Thanks

  12. ForeverDorian says:

    I’m trying to get into fencing and I’m VERY interested in learning… There is no doubt that I want to do this at all, so yeah.. I don’t want to have a crappy blade that will break. I’m willing to throw money into this, but I’m still somewhat limited in what I can purchase…

    My question is what sword do you recommend for someone starting out that wants a french grip and has some money to put into this, but has no preference just yet due to lack of experience?

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