Rodeo Barrel Racing Tips : Horse Barrel Racing Equipment Tips

Watch and learn from our expert about what types of equipment you need for barrel racing in this free instructional video on horse riding and rodeo barrel racing. Expert: HH Horses Contact: Bio: Holly Heidemann has been providing lessons to people of all ages for sixteen years on how to ride and compete in barrel races. Filmmaker: Paul Raila
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “Rodeo Barrel Racing Tips : Horse Barrel Racing Equipment Tips”

  1. MrJoshyg28 says:

    do you wear socks in your boots

  2. MedoraCowgirl says:

    It is a cavessons, a tie down is not adjustable around their mouth and the caveson is. There are cavessons as well in western. The tie down noseband is to keep the horses head down and help the horse balance in the turns and the cavesson is to keep their mouth shut. Two completely different things. Not mixing up english tack with western, but completely dfferent things in the cavesson and the tie down noseband

  3. BarrelRacingLuver says:

    tie downs dont hold the mouth closed

  4. ShootTwoShow says:

    ummm clam down you really need to chill.

  5. barrelsisforever14 says:

    A tie down is different then a cavesson, your right but its not an english nose band, a cavesson closes the mouth of the horse while running. a Tie downs porpuse is more to attach to the tie down strap to keep head low… they are both used in western..

  6. 03firefly says:

    With spurs, as she says in the video, can actually be nicer to the horse than just using leg. Some horses don’t respond to leg as much for various reasons – they just aren’t as sensitive on their sides; their previous owner kicked the crap out of them, making them respond negatively to leg; they’re just a lazy horse. Horses that aren’t as sensitive on their sides, for whatever reason, will feel a light pressure of a spur better than squeezing/kicking.

  7. wdfrider says:

    no good rider should need spurs for any reason

  8. meabear1 says:

    They have a western cavesson. look in a tack magazing, they call them western cavesson

  9. Reiner21400 says:

    there called bell boots

  10. gcpropertymanagement says:

    Great emphasis on safety for the rider and good basic instruction. Same consideratons apply to horsemanship, dressage and equitation. Whether the student is new or experienced, safety is the first consideration for horse and rider. Nicely done.

  11. palomino674 says:

    @ 1:30 that’s NOT a canvesson!! a cavesson is an enghlish noseband. thats a tie-down. i hate it when people mix enghlish with western !!

  12. HolyEmoCuppyCake says:

    Training an Appy I have very recently just started riding. I train her bareback and she absolutely HATES anything that goes around her chin, first time I rode her I was bareback and she flipped out, and also she hates a snaffle bit c: She uses some a framed like thing with the roller piece in the middle.. She refused to do anything right till we switched everything.

  13. horseandhisboy1 says:

    you need to retrain your horse if you need all that crap. yes spurs used right do not hurt the horse but they do give you less contact so they make you worse if you use them more

  14. 1JonasLoveForever1 says:

    I barrel race an appy/paint, lol that’s why i know only certain appys can barrel race cause mine sucks at it….lol, he’s 20 years old and a trail horse though (He kicks ass on poles though)

  15. 01nitchy says:

    you must be a paint person! dissing on appys! just kidding I barrel race my appy so of course Im going to be a smart ass 🙂

  16. 1JonasLoveForever1 says:

    Yes and no, you CAN, but the best are paints, Quarter horses, some appaloosas and some thoroughbreds.

  17. 1JonasLoveForever1 says:

    I barrel race in really light spurs, not bumper, but not POINTED. Sure I kick him pretty hard coming home, but If it makes go faster it makes him go faster, and half the time I hit his girth…same with whips, people thinks whips are mean and they CAN be if used wrong…. but I have to use whips and spurs in poles and barrels because my horse doesn’t finish turns

  18. BarrelRacer955 says:

    Yeah. Well mine just crow hops when i’m going away from my other horses. But just competing she is fine. Some times she gets really nervous about going in the arena, so she crowhops too. But she runs better without a tiedown.

  19. BarrelRacer955 says:

    Yeah. You can barrel race any kind of horse.

  20. bensonpage1 says:

    i have those exact same bell boots lol

  21. bensonpage1 says:

    does everyone know what saddle pad would be best to use while barrel racing? and for someone on a budget?

  22. bensonpage1 says:

    my QH cross mare is the same way but acts terribly without a tie down.

  23. ProBarrelRacer10 says:

    yes you can barrel race a thoroughbred. generally they are longer bodied so crosses are prefered. the best barrel horse I have ever had was an arabian(full of spirit and lots of go go)/thoroughbred(running)/quarter horse(turning and speedy)

  24. Barrelracer4life8 says:

    lol its a noseband..
    its to keep the head down smarty..

  25. barrelgirl5897 says:

    Can you barrel race a Thoroughbred??

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