WWW.ITFOODONLINE.COM – Complete mince pie production line

THE PRODUCTION OF INNOVATIVE MACHINERY HAS ALWAYS BEEN A KEY INGREDIENT FOR A COMPANY WHICH OVER THIRTY YEARS HAS BEEN WORKING IN THE FIELD OF BATTER MIXES AND FOOD DOUGH. Started its business in the far 1972 with the engineering and production of depositing machines chiefly used by Italian confectionery companies. Yet, the real upturn dates back to the Eighties, at the same time as the launch – by the main manufacturing companies – of filled bakery products, associated with the chief holidays (panettone, pandoro, colomba etc.), as an alternative to the traditional products. In this context, characterised by a strong technological development in the dosing of filling creams, the company made many efforts not only to achieve a high quality level in machine development, but also to expand the user range, with the planning of complete lines and plants both for large and medium-sized companies. Even from a product point of view, in this period the experiences made with the leading confectionery manufacturers proved to be important, because they urged the different working teams to examine a wide range of applications which considerably increased the potential problem-solving of the company, as to the production cycle and the relating technical choices needed to process the product more efficaciously and efficiently. herefore, over the years, the bent of the company for developing customised projects has been emphasised, and now it is a leading edge that is being continuously

6 Responses to “WWW.ITFOODONLINE.COM – Complete mince pie production line”

  1. boxpump says:

    Wow! What a clean, beautiful operation! Absolutely marvelous! I especially liked the embossed Christmas trees on the pie tops. Overall, it’s just a joy to see such immaculate and efficient food processing equipment. Excellent video. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. moondog450 says:

    The music sounds very 80’s porn style, which isn’t a bad thing.
    I am a pastrychef of 20 years, and personally would be scared to eat one of these little morsels.
    Did I mention that I like the soundtrack though?

  3. mumabiibo says:

    if possible the who posted this video, if they could contact me. I would like to ask a few question.

  4. xdevilxbabex2003 says:

    sweet mince pies . . Nom nom!

  5. nairda55555 says:

    hmmm, a mincemeat pie machine. anyone here reminded of the movie “chicken run”?

  6. greeenglass says:

    that’s a neat machine! if I live near that machine, i’d eat pie all year round!

    PIE 4EVER!

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