Amazing PSN Account for sale!(PRIVATE MESSAGEME ONLY!!!)

OPEN FOR ACCOUNT DETAILS,GAME STATS, and PRICING. Account Details: PSN NAME: untamedbeast12 PS PLUS: YES, 3 Months left. COD ELITE: YES, 10 Months of FOUNDER left. FULL PS3 GAMES: 15+ ARCADE GAMES: 3 AVATARS: 20+ THEMES: 5-10 Game Stats: Modern Warefare 3: 11TH Prestige Level 80 K/D Ratio: 2.38 W/L Ratio: 3.01 Black Ops: 15th Prestige MW2: 10th (Everything Unlocked) Cod W@W: 10th (Everything Unlocked) COD 4: 10th (Everything Unlocked) PRICES: I Will Accept: 4000 Microsoft Point Card (I prefer this over anything else) 100$ PAYPAL 50$ PSN CARD ITUNES GIFTCARDS GAMESTOP GIFTCARDS

11 Responses to “Amazing PSN Account for sale!(PRIVATE MESSAGEME ONLY!!!)”

  1. Leadgunner1 says:

    I’ll buy a 10th prestige account or a 15th prestige $50 to $100 Psn today hit me up if you have one plz.

  2. zKidWonder says:

    hey guys i am selling and 8th prestige lv 72 check my channel

  3. HGKsensationzz says:

    Send me a working code!

  4. HGKsensationzz says:

    Ok send the 40$ PSN card

  5. HGKsensationzz says:

    Dude the code didn’t work just take it back to the store you bought it at and tell them and they have to give you another one for free.

  6. jmoney14445 says:

    its an h after the f

  7. jmoney14445 says:

    ill send it around 6 cuzz i dont have it yet

  8. jmoney14445 says:

    4000 xbox points

  9. jmoney14445 says:

    is this for sale ill give u

  10. ONLYGUY whoCAMPS says:

    hey i got a 13th prestige mw3 account 4 sale/trade $40 psn card psn: DxiRe add me and it got some avatars on psn

  11. jorgeinostroza214ji says:

    Would u trade it for black ops all map packs

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