Orphanage – Atmosphere Freestyle (Aesop Rock, Slug, Eyedea, Blueprint, Illogic, Sage Francis)

This is a rare recording of a track by The Orphanage known as the atmosphere freestyle.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “Orphanage – Atmosphere Freestyle (Aesop Rock, Slug, Eyedea, Blueprint, Illogic, Sage Francis)”

  1. HouseMusicDeathSkwad says:

    anyone know the beat track list?

  2. AlexieRey says:

    three people cant freestyle.

  3. Eyedeaprodigy says:

    Eyedea flows the best and the quickest in the beat

  4. LikwitSwords says:

    damn blueprint was sick on this

  5. LikwitSwords says:

    damb blueprint was sick on this

  6. SOADownsnubs says:

    @ewzr250 Doesn’t shock me at all really, and that’s not a good thing.

  7. SOADownsnubs says:

    @Bobbladeblade I thought eyedea said that?

  8. SOADownsnubs says:

    Aesop always sets it off and you know this.

  9. pencilgoboom says:

    @Fudgeyer i was confused by this aswell

  10. Fudgeyer says:

    @Bobbladeblade You mean Eyedea’s nuts.

  11. MIYAH734 says:

    Fuckin Killa Freestyle….
    All those Mastermindz on one track…. freestylin!
    pshhhhh cant beat it!

  12. thehanz123 says:

    @Baxxter101 all good lol. i feel you on tht tho

  13. Baxxter101 says:

    @thehanz123 wow, my bad man… heavy drinking + late night internet commenting is a recipe for rage. don’t even remember posting that.

  14. thehanz123 says:

    @Baxxter101 dam foo.. just put a guy on blast for askin a simple question. there still might be ppl that only buy cds..
    take a xanex or smoke a bowl fuck

  15. Baxxter101 says:

    @HaV1cKW3M *faceplam.jpg* … God damnit, you idiot, wake up and realize the potential of the tools you’ve got at your finger tips… Try fucking google something simple like “video to mp3″…  or even “save youtube video”… fool… You DID find it, you’re just to stupid and lazy to figure out how to keep it.

    God damn bro. You’re whats wrong…

  16. co0ookiecwisp356 says:

    i miss eyedea :/ but sage kills his second time around

  17. aball010 says:

    wow. how do they think of this… this is probably the best freestyle ive ever heard…

  18. theeyedealer36 says:

    @deoxxa “Be Out” by Mr. Lif

  19. Freewithoutwalls says:


  20. toddsherman says:

    Thanks for posting this – I’d like to see a remake that had the pictures of the artist on when they are rapping. (i.e. only have a pic of Sage when Sage is rapping)

  21. MrGyda says:

    Whats The First Beat Called? Thanks!

  22. AKShockwave says:

    This is amazing because it features all my favorite rappers.

  23. HaV1cKW3M says:

    Where can I download this? i can’t find it! :/

  24. Travisalberger says:

    @crodkey1990 na aes rock wz up ther wit him. same wit blueprint. ther all fuckin ill as fuck

  25. Ocity949 says:

    @deoxxa Thanks Yo!

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