POS – Bleeding Hearts Club

Available now at Itunes: bit.ly From the album Audition Available at www.fifthelementonline.com

25 Responses to “POS – Bleeding Hearts Club”

  1. prophefixz says:

    @itsmusiccentral Typical homophobic comment from a guy who is clearly habouring some homosexual feelings himself judgning by the use of Boner and Gay as insults.

  2. FightingSioux33 says:

    @Backpackmancon you serious right now? its slug from atmopshere. check em out if you havent already.

  3. astreetmonster0 says:

    @Backpackmancon what that guy said just do it

  4. koolaid56789 says:

    @Backpackmancon slug from atmosphere. download that shit right now

  5. FallacyProduction says:

    Slug bro

  6. Backpackmancon says:

    Who is the guy rapping with POS? The white guy.

  7. TheHaloAbove says:

    Hey guys,
    My name is Halos.
    I’m a poet, it just so happens i put my poetry to a beat….
    So im hoping that you guys would go to my Channel and tell me what you think =]
    and if you dont like it im sorry for breaking your ears haha
    thank you =]
    and thumbs up so people can see =]

  8. DonaldDollar says:

    Why the fuck does this race shit matter? Just listen to the music lol…

  9. RealDefentertainment says:

    @synonomousanonymous You are white and you agree that white people have been the biggest oppressors? well MORE POWER TO YOU AS A PERSON NOT A WHITE GUY!!

  10. testament612 says:

    i love this shit. slug is just so damn cool in this video too haha

  11. jesserawls says:

    holy shit, this beat is amazing

  12. IoDecay says:


  13. blaketheflake12 says:

    @synonomousanonymous fuckin retarded. just listen to the damn song.

  14. futarack says:

    slug! what a treat!

  15. fornicateyourovarys says:

    anyone notice that the hook in this song sounds way to much like nelly in “ride with me”?

    i like the way you brush your hair
    and i like those stylish clothes you wear
    i like the way the light hit the ice and glare
    and i can see you boo from way over there

  16. mickjordan7 says:

    white power!

  17. synonomousanonymous says:

    @LukeShetler lol, no doubter bout p robs. but creed is fair game? I’m confused as to why you say that…

  18. synonomousanonymous says:

    @juicifergizzle – educate myself? Ok. Firstly good job using fallacious; perfect word to use for the situation. Secondly, if you read my post, i did not once speak about empires. i categorized my statement, granted, incorrectly, based on race, and i am sorry to offend you, but i do stand by that point. the number of Roman slaves during the 1st century AD was around 18 million. More than the entire population, including slaves, of Babylon, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Syria, combined. The

  19. synonomousanonymous says:

    entire Persian Empire at its height, the Achaemenid Empire, had perhaps a similar number; it’s hard to say because indentured servants also existed at the time. I have educated myself. I didn’t speak out of my ass and say the first thing that came to mind. I realize I made a mistake, and it was hypocritical, but don’t mistake error for naivety.

    You have a good motive, but there is ignorance and simplicity in your post.

  20. EtherealVeracity says:

    @itsmusiccentral If you don’t want to get bullied, don’t act like a cunt on the internet. Go cry somewhere else, cockfag.

  21. deadpeasantmoon says:

    don’t even mention that punk

  22. FxGamersProductions says:

    @itsmusiccentral go away 🙂

  23. LukeShetler says:

    @juicifergizzle I hate to say it but white people have been the world’s ‘largest oppressors.’ During the Sumerian, Egyptian, and Persian times, there was slavery, no doubt, but nothing on the level of the Romans (they used white slaves) and then all of Europe during colonialism, followed by America. The Muslims had a ton of black slaves during the European dark ages, and frankly, it’s not the fact that those large empires were white that made them slave owners. It’s because they had the power.

  24. LukeShetler says:

    @synonomousanonymous ‘ It’s wrong and inhumane to hate based on colour or creed.’

    I agree with everything you said, but creed is fair game. I mean, you tell the guy (I haven’t seen the comment) to go fuck himself. That is hating based on creed :p.

    I mean, I don’t hate many people. You basically have to be a rapist, murderer, or Pat fucking Robertson to incur hatred in my book.

  25. d0zi7 says:

    @itsmusiccentral Thanks for adding more views to the vid

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