POS – Purexed

Available now at Itunes: bit.ly The fourth official video from the record “Never Better”. Grab it from: www.fifthelementonline.com http www.amazon.com Directors Brady Kiernan & Ben Cohen Director of Photography: Bo Hakala Producer: Brady Kiernan Editor: Sam Heyn Design: Brian Olson
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “POS – Purexed”

  1. dmanh778 says:

    lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove x 100000000000000000000

  2. Zrskate38 says:

    This song has helped me through so much shit. Thank you POS keep it real.

  3. mihaitube says:

    @M0rBiDxFA lol listen to spose – pop song. you’re not allowed to keep your style.

  4. 6beelze9bub6 says:

    While some bands do turn to shit as they go mainstream, if they stay good even if they’re mainstream, who gives a fuck.

  5. AbstracktSoul says:

    @ 0:25 Above the picture he’s grabbing is the cover for Strange Famous artist, B. Dolan’s “The Failure.”

  6. 10101110 says:

    Love the Converge shout-out in this video. Song rules too.

  7. blazelmtdedtn says:

    @roar329 Product of Society

  8. crpimachine says:

    @KingExamin I wish !

  9. KingExamin says:

    expect a visit.

  10. crpimachine says:

    he walks past my house in this video… damn snow everywhere. GREAT video.

  11. eyeh8ewe999 says:

    haha i own that converge shirt!

  12. xPwnzanichx says:

    Hell yeah Jane Doe shirt! 😛

  13. NotreDameDuke28 says:

    converge shirttttttttt

  14. Rudyx88 says:

    P.O.S speaks the truth! His songs are the soundtrack of my life! Fuck all the naysayers because we all like the real shit.

  15. roar329 says:

    @JordiniTine I believe P.O.S. originally meant Pissed Off Stef.. but I bet he’d except the more well known meaning for said acronym. He has roots in punk rock and it is very punk rock to call yourself a piece of shit.

  16. theopdahl says:

    @M0rBiDxFA both the Doomtree label and RSE are amazing.

  17. M0rBiDxFA says:

    I think everyone misunderstands the idea of “mainstream.” I don’t see mainstream as appearing on MTV and doing big concerts, mainstream is more like they belong to a big music company (ie Eminem, Lil Wayne, Rhianna) and lose all their creativity and musical ability because they’re allowing the company to boss them around and make them release songs that they want. P.O.S. might become popular and be on T.V. but as long as he stays true to his style, there is no problem with that.

  18. Neptune0100 says:

    @TheTecstudios huh, i never knew that.

  19. TheTecstudios says:

    @Neptune0100 i wouldn’t say mainstream but i know he has been on mtv a few times

  20. fitwittools says:

    @Paff1991 hey, so is P.O.S, he’s german too

  21. M0rBiDxFA says:

    @JordiniTine He’s just a single artist, not a band. I’m also sure he produces his own music, if you like him you should check out Doomtree. It’s the group he works with, Cecil Otter, Dessa, Mike Mictlan, all of them are good.

  22. JordiniTine says:

    @Neptune0100 pos as in piece of shit or the band. ive never heard of this band before. yes, me and my friends are stupid

  23. elmauroar says:

    Muy buena canción

  24. Neptune0100 says:

    @JordiniTine oh wow hahaha omg! that’s so original i didn’t even THINK of that!

    you and your friends are morons.

    also, what’s this i hear about POS going mainstream?

  25. JordiniTine says:

    P.O.S. stands for piece of shit to me and my friends lol

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