FIRMS from Lecere Corporation

FIRMS using an Ipad for table service in a restaurant. Hand held point of sale solution with emailed credit card receipts. Lecere announces FIRMS. Fully integrated restaurant management system.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to “FIRMS from Lecere Corporation”

  1. sim4cs says:

    I’m doing this…in a better way by all means 🙂
    All I need is a marketing guy and we are game!

  2. cyadex2k says:

    I hate dumb feminist, being a food server is a worthy occupation anhd is highly paid in finer restaurants around the world. Women tend to be socially aware and often better server because of their customer service skills.

  3. ignaciofd says:

    I’d not say the iPad is exactly a handheld… where does the waiter carry the iPad between order and order?? is that really practicall? personally i think a real HANDheld device is required for table service

  4. SkipTheCEO says:

    Holding my shares of this company long and strong.

  5. gjschillinger says:

    Will be going live sometime this week.

  6. jyp253 says:

    Nepo 42 should start using it sometime in Jun so if you live in OR go check it out and tell us all about it

  7. vertigo2112 says:

    Buy LCRE now …this stock is going way up.

  8. Wopadas says:

    Hmm this is interesting. I think I may get in on this

  9. themovielifedc says:

    Go Lecere!

  10. 02gixxersix says:

    First of all the waitress is pretty freakin hot. Anyway, I have worked in restaurants and I think software like this is going to make everything easier. By the time the waitress leaves the table, the bartender will be pouring drinks, cook cooking, etc. Less mess-ups, faster service, no double charging, lost receipts, etc. Not to mention the potential for tracking and recording data. Everything is going this route, kind of like when UPS shows up with a package and that little handheld.

  11. swimboy987 says:

    Cool concept, with serious problems.
    You guys have serious optimization issues.
    When someone orders it’s “pepsi and a cheeseburger no tomatoes or onions and fries please”
    Then the next person, and so on.
    This program takes 2 persons worth of order time to select the table and drink.
    If you guys plan on throwing a more elaborate GUI on here, time will be delayed even more.
    Go for a seriously simplistic look- you aren’t impressing customers, you’re creating a streamlined program.

  12. mrgdm007 says:

    I find it would be very awkward to put a tip in, infront of the waitress/waiter, how do you deal with this?

  13. mrgdm007 says:

    its an iPad!!! lol

  14. ChronoSakuya says:

    That’s cute.. Have you ever tried signing your name with the tip of your finger on a touch display? Not to mention the loading times and mass of sub-menues make for a slow approach..
    I’m sure it works, collectively, in that you get prices and payment sorted right on the table, but eh..

  15. dplynx says:

    That interface looks terrible 🙁

  16. cherie22984 says:

    Ohh god. I am getting weeded watching this. This sounds good, but will not work very well in the real world.

  17. gjschillinger says:

    Table numbers are a given. You may also name table numbers or seats in one step.




    Stock Ticker: LCRE
    We are buying and holding long. Go Lecere we are with you

  20. kpishdadi says:

    agreed. UI looks really bad/confusing/complicated. for this to be effective it needs to be simple enough for an idiot to use it. even in the video the conversation pauses while she’s entering stuff into the ipad.

  21. arivaben2007 says:


  22. soybanzai says:

    cool app, but the expense of a dropped ipad, compared to a pad/pen is a real world issue. good luck

  23. acidkilldream says:

    Its a great idea; maybe you should just use it a little different.
    You should give the pad to the customers, make them order with the pad. Then businesses can cut staffing just have food runner, and the big bucks come in.

  24. Raccoon750gsxr2007 says:

    hot piece of smoking ass! oh, was i suppose to be paying attention to the ipad thing? opps! LOL!!!

  25. JawnMercernary says:

    Hmm, really cool idea.

    I think that it can be improved with a few additions. Mainly, of a hardware that collects the credit card number (it exists). I can’t help it but think that it would be more efficient to put a number pad (instead of full keyboard) when entering numbers.

    Oh, maybe release a free app (for mobile devices) customers to order? I mean, the menu can be posted online or through wifi.

    I know that those are small things, but it would be cool to have them as well.

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