Halo: Reach | Changes from Beta to Retail version! (dual commentary/gameplay)

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25 Responses to “Halo: Reach | Changes from Beta to Retail version! (dual commentary/gameplay)”

  1. LordSagarath says:

    @Vontedestein No, I’m not saying its bad. I’m saying its not as good as it should’ve been. Have you seen the trailers and stage demos of Halo 2? If not then please do because they were amazing, large and were absolutely great. Halo 2 itself had worse graphics then shown because of Microsoft’s time constraints. A lot was cut from the game, weapons, vehicles and some epicly badass enimies weren’t there. Halo 2 WAS a good game its just that both Halo Reach AND Halo 2 looked good but end product=bad

  2. MrAntiBrent says:

    @LordSagarath You’re an idiot, seriously, you are a genuine idiot. From the beta to the retail edition we got SLIGHTLY weaker grenades, faster run, higher jump, more DMR/ NR ammo capacity plus bug fixes. While issues like bloom and AA’s remain, you are a fuck wit to say the beta was better. You’re only saying that because the beta was more of a novelty.

  3. MrAntiBrent says:

    lol @ you sucking from 1:24

  4. palindinX says:

    @TheRecon911 Dude calm down. Why would you waste your life to make that comment to begin with? Most people make videos for fun, information and just to share with the rest of the world. Why do you make it in to a BIG deal? And your point is just another 1/1,000,000 opinions of society, so who cares….

  5. sharpshooter740 says:

    @IakFox Glad I’m not the only one. 

  6. Vontedestein says:

    @LordSagarath wait..when you say it was a fail to H2 are you saying that H2 was bad? Im only asking so i can understand. Cause if you are saying H2 is bad then something is wrong with you.

  7. LordSagarath says:

    bungie were once known for making rlly good games with epic scaled stories but then halo reach’s !!!fucking epic!!! beta was changed from something fun to something shitty and cummstained. i mean the beta had better multiplayer than the full game thats a failure on bungies part and also the campaign told epic story but the gameplay was just so shitty its not fucking funny i thought we were gonna have an epic scarab fight but then… NO!!!! U CANT HAVE FUN! overall the game was a biger fail to h2

  8. JoeTheBored says:

    I remember on the beta when I was playing at powerhouse in the very back there is a pig on the wall kinda in a greenish color now its gone :c

  9. joshy071994 says:

    @iiNV3RSiON they are actually right, so take your trolling elsewhere.

  10. HappyBuzzsaw says:

    Bungie didn’t fix their game 🙁

  11. iiNV3RSiON says:

    You realise everything you said in this video is BS right?

  12. LiveTheAlexLife says:

    They should have kept the dmr as it was, it’s too cheap of a gun

  13. OniYoshiable says:

    oh sure. frag grenades are too powerful. look at the plasma grenade!

  14. ImThatFunnyGuy says:

    There is still double melee! an the bloom is still random! So they really didn’t fix main things from the beta! AL is bad!

  15. TGNproductions24 says:

    they shouldn’t have changed the pistol and dmr

  16. IakFox says:

    Honestly I enjoyed the beta more.
    But I agree with the grenades they were super powerful.

  17. TheSonicWarrior says:

    @ 5:32 “Let’s be honest it would be pretty stupid if a spartan rolled like an elite”
    *clears throat* they do -.- stupid bungie the side step was better

  18. mad6155 says:

    I understand te pistol part cause I still play halo 2 an; boy, that thing can shoot fast

  19. waverider180 says:

    see, bungie is always able to find the problem and fix it immediately……. suck it iw…..

  20. Milerliteweight says:

    @TheRecon911 Notice how this was posted over 2 months ago…Also, what point? lol

  21. TheRecon911 says:

    Why would you waste time of your life for commenting on something that really doesn’t make a difference, it make make the game “interesting” when eventually it will turn into just another halo game…which is what it is…I have not played halo reach in 4 weeks…that proves my point.

  22. andrewwk6 says:

    there are other details like the new medals and the animation of the weapon when you stop sprinting. the best example is the energy sword.

  23. HUNTER34ful says:


  24. HUNTER34ful says:

    por qu halo

  25. treywar25 says:

    @thecreativeone lol i just got this 4 hours ago im not as good as i used to be but im gettin there

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