Microsoft first store – Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

This is the world first Microsoft store opened on Oct 22, 2009 in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Shot for technology blog (the most known European tech blog).
Video Rating: 5 / 5

12 Responses to “Microsoft first store – Scottsdale, Arizona, USA”

  1. jackthePS3GAMER says:

    @shussey100 i love orange

  2. jackthePS3GAMER says:

    @jpollorena buy him a better one then

  3. shussey100 says:

    I LOVE Apple

  4. TerraSanctus says:

    Ok SERIOUSLY!!! Why does it look EXACTLY like an Apple store!!! The layout of the tables and everything

  5. haXDude24 says:

    Really hope it isn’t that crowded when I go.

  6. mirceagoia says:

    Actually , it was shot with a photo camera which could shot video too. As expected, it wasn’t a good quality…

  7. g7t says:

    wow the grand opening – he was a dynamic fella wasn’t he in his ill fitting suit – had me glued to what he was mumbling about – lol

    When micro$oft tries to be cool they look like your dad trying to break dance at a wedding!

  8. jpollorena says:

    I live in Arizona. I’m going today. But you need a better camera.

  9. man316420 says:

    The person you were relying to was just saying how the Microsoft Store looks like an Apple Store

  10. fastform3429 says:

    It’s microsoft Store IDIOT!! look at the title

  11. dirtyfilthydj says:

    Hey, Look! Another Apple Store! Oh, wait.

  12. BerryJoy says:


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